Impacts and Outcomes:
Through this collaboration with Heritage Werks, I would like to see the company implement a community project that would pool and create access to resources for community archives and local heritage workers. For example, a supply sharing program would allow Heritage Werks’ clients the opportunity to reallocate or donate supplies to community-based preservation projects. The model for this project is Arizona State University’s Community Driven Archives Initiative. The initiative offers starter kits to any community organization interested in preservation. These kits include an acid-free box, folders, mylar and gloves. Sometimes at the end of processing a collection there are supplies left over. In this program, clients can have the opportunity to donate the supplies to our community resource center and/or we would help connect supplies with communities in need.
Plan of Action
My communities of interests are under-funded and underresourced black production and performance-based companies and individuals. These companies are usually structured as non-profit organizations and are also understaffed with no preservation programs. The services my companies need the most are advice and supplies. In order to solve this lack of resources, I needed to create a plan of action. My collaborators for this project are The Radical Archive of Preservation (t.r.a.p), Society of American Archivists (SAA), and Society of Georgia Archivists (SGA).
First, I need to establish a public and fully accessible resource page where people who are interested in preservation or community work, can visit and learn more about resources that are available to communities, as well as, projects that are in need of manual labor or archival support. The Radical Archive of Preservation established a landing page that has collected information on all the black performance or production companies in Atlanta. This is one of the places people can go to learn more about existing and extant production companies. Secondly, I would like to establish a help or resource line for workers to call and be able to get an answer to any archival question. I believe Heritage Werks has a big enough platform and intellectual capacity to be able to get answers quickly. Lastly, I would like to see SAA and SGA establish committees to support archival workers working in the performance sector.
Your Milestones and Projection
Over the course of my program, I have been able to secure a leadership position at a leading archival agency, one that not only has the means, but also the willingness to support community engaged projects. At the beginning of this class, I started Heritage Werks as a Senior Archivist. Last week, I was promoted to Associate Director of Training and Development. This promotion marked a record in the company for fastest advancement.
During my employment, I have been able to establish an educational program that will train and provide skills building opportunities for the entire archival department. These workshops will be required and completely accessible to all of the staff. I have equipped them with a full schedule, company support, reading and literature materials, supplies, and opportunities for leadership. I used my background in teaching and my experience in positions of leadership to propose and successfully implement the program. Our first workshop was well attended. In this workshop, we were able to talk about inventory management and using the new inventory systems. Team members were able to ask questions and add ideas to the process. The company was very happy and excited to move forward with more of my ideas for community engagement.
While I am very excited about the opportunities my new position affords me I am most excited about the platform to advocate for the need of resources in my communities of interests. In Andree et al, it is advised to “establish the relationship around a shared vision and then negotiate mutually-beneficial teaching and research projects” I certainly believe that is what has made my employment here so enjoyable.
Community-Driven Archives Initiatives. Arizona State University. Website Accessed November 20, 2024
Starter Kits. Community-Driven Archives. Arizona State University. Website accessed November 20, 2024
The Radical Archive of Preservation website. Accessed on November 20, 2024
The Society of American Archivists website. Accessed on November 20, 2024
The Society of Georgia Archivists website. Accessed on November 20, 2024
Andrée, P., Chapman, D., Hawkins, L., Kneen, C., Martin, W., Muehlberger, C., … Stroink, M. (2014). Building Effective Relationships for Community-Engaged Scholarship in Canadian Food Studies. Canadian Food Studies La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation, 1(1), 27–53.